
Korvun t1_j2cokf9 wrote

Ignoring the fact that the entire rating system, with no actual objective metrics, is a joke, I'm also sick of PG-13 being the industry standard for pretty much every movie. There isn't a single movie that's been released in the last 20 years that wouldn't have been better if they all shot for R ratings (yes, I know it's all about money).

I challenge anyone to name a movie that wasn't in some way hamstrung by the arbitrary rating system and companies aiming for a PG-13. Name a movie and I'll tell you how an R rating would have made it better.


Korvun t1_ivsbniz wrote

High speed internet lines, much of the expanded power grid, additional roads, buildings, homes, etc. And that doesn't even consider the increased property value of the area. A home worth 80k in 1980 is selling for 480k today. Or do you think 1980 Miami is exactly the same as 2022 Miami?


Korvun t1_isr3nk3 wrote

>You act like those two statements are opposing ideas and can’t possibly both be true simultaneously

Actually, I used those two statements to make the point I did. That you're implying consistency.

>As I said before, you can believe what you want. My story is true whether you believe it or not.

You see, now I said at the beginning that your story is plausible, but that you've chosen to omit key elements in the story, like your part in it. Given that you've instead chosen to say, "nuh uh, we're as innocent as the driven snow" instead, I'll just stick to my original conclusion. Have a blessed day.


Korvun t1_isqieqq wrote

>Stop saying I’ve said things that I haven’t. You are using hyperbole to try and make it seem like I’m purposefully making unrealistic and exaggerated claims.

I used your own ridiculous story to make your story sound unrealistic, no hyperbole needed.

>I did not say my wife is constantly verbally abused. Merely that she has been verbally abused on more occasions than the average person because she’s small and quiet.

You're splitting hairs. You said she has a history of it, now you're saying it's more common than the average person. You can argue with my use of constant if you like, but the point is the same. You're full of it.

>Perhaps instead of getting all defensive, you should have gone with something like “Don’t lump all Padres fans together. We aren’t all bad!” unless you were just looking for a reason to argue.

Your idea for not being defensive is to say something defensive? I'd rather just keep calling your BS stories what they are, BS.


Korvun t1_ispuvuz wrote

Why would I read a different conversation to get more context for THIS conversation? Especially when the additional context you've given ALSO sounds like bullshit? She does LITERALLY NOTHING, but is constantly randomly verbally accosted? Give me a break, man.

If you leave your house and run into an asshole, you've run into an asshole. If you leave your house and everyone you run into is an asshole, YOU'RE the asshole.

And you may not have outright said all fans, but you sure want to punish all Padres fans because "the ones you encountered" that day were assholes. Now, if a person wanted to levy a punishment to an entire group of people for the bad behavior of a few, what would that make the guy wanting to punish everyone?


Korvun t1_islzuv7 wrote

I've been a Padres fan since I was 6. I've been to quite number of games and while I've seen some shitty fan behavior on occasion, I've never seen what you're describing to a "quiet barely cheering" opposing fan. Your story reads like, "I've never done anything wrong in my life" and I don't believe you've told the whole story.