
Kraeftluder t1_itkdlwt wrote

I'm going to say something which is very much not controversial in the UK but relatively controversial in NL and the US: Systems that are closer to the NHS work better than systems like the Dutch one which is closer to the US system. So the French system is better by design than the German one. The German one resembles the former Dutch system if I'm not mistaken.

There is absolutely no need pumping around billions of public money in private companies' administrative systems and compete over a few tens of thousands of clients they can't refuse to insure anyway.


Kraeftluder t1_iths0rj wrote

In most western countries treatments expensive as that are not uncommon, and equally free to their inhabitants. At least in the UK, The Netherlands, Belgium. In The Netherlands one of the most expensive treatments is one which costs 2.4 million, but it completely cures a formerly 100% deadly degenerative nerve or muscular disease.

Besides, I've got a feeling that that 500k for one pill would still be cheaper for society as a whole than someone who regularly fall ill because of symptoms that accompany organ failure, desperately waiting for a transplant, and then of course hoping for it not to be rejected, which is still a sizeable risk these days for a 'resource' this scarce.

That woman was feeling like a teenager in that clip, no other recovery necessary. Straight back to being a member of society. Yes, more of this black magic technology please.