
Kule7 t1_j8f9f9n wrote

>I doubt even 20% of people are really boiling the implications down in their head.

Well, (1) the people who are boiling the ramifications down in their heads still have no idea what the fuck is going to happen and (2) given how hard it is to figure out what's going to happen and what the fallout will be, the remaining 80% are perhaps wisely waiting for some other experts to figure it out and tell them about it so they know exactly what to freak out over.


Kule7 OP t1_j2anzlw wrote

Reply to comment by jiminy_cricks in LPT: Play Tennis by Kule7

Yeah, I mean, if you're already getting good exercise while enjoying it, don't stop whatever you're doing. But I think about 95% of people struggle doing that and I can't think of another single suggestion that by itself is such a good way to solve that problem. Right, it absolutely won't work for everyone, but compared to a lot of things, it's pretty broadly accessible.


Kule7 t1_j214rbq wrote

Yeah, AJ was a good character and well acted IMHO by a child actor coming of age in the middle of a massive hit show. Fine to dislike the character, but I don't think there's really anything to complain of there in terms of holding back the show.


Kule7 t1_j1ok9j4 wrote

Well my kid and I tried asking it some basic hypotheticals about fantasy characters, like who would win a fight between Superman and Kirby, and it wouldn't touch those with a ten-foot pole. Got fairly preachy canned responses about how it's unhealthy to be so focused on violence.