LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_je78jzr wrote

I ended up hospitalized for 2 days with a UTI turned kidney infection. Worst infection I've endured. Never will I ignore a UTI again. Nearly died. Had to have round the clock intravenous antibiotics. Glad you found a place to help you. Feel better!


LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_jcury6p wrote

One time, I was at a music festival in Arkansas, and I was talking to this kid, and he asked where I was from. I told him Rhode Island. He said... how the hell did you get your van here? A ferry? I cracked out my map so quickly to show him where RI is. He was shocked that it was indeed attached to the mainland. Ah man, I laughed so hard. Good times.


LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_javy1q4 wrote

Turning right on to Pontiac ave is a nightmare during the commute home from Socanosset.. thats the only place ill turn right into the left lane because the right lane is always completely full and I refuse to wait for another light cycle lol.


LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_jatyhtu wrote

There's dog leashes for bikes. I'd hardly consider the occurrence listed above as "abuse" unless they are smaller dogs (someone mentioned them being boxers). Large dogs can keep up with a bike. I'm not sure why you think someone riding a bike with their dogs justifies the internet knowing where he lives? Hope no one ever displays your address on the internet because they didn't like something you did.


LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_j76y7mk wrote

Reply to Yeah, no by Westreacher

Im headed to Veg Fest in this. The level of dedication I have to vegan/vegetarian food is unmatched.


LEENIEBEENIE93 t1_j74lvfk wrote

I prob worked there with you. They've been sweating since they announced TJ's opening back when Lynne was managing in 2020/2021. I got out ahead of the impending doom. They knew TJ's was going to tap into their market share. I can totally see them shutting down Stop and Shops all over RI/MA/CT due to Market Basket presence and dominating market share as well. The one in Johnston has tanked sales in surrounding Cranston/ Johnston S&S stores. Dont be afraid to leave that shithole. There are far better opportunities out there.