
LFCsota t1_j9z1frt wrote

I find my local market organizers don't care many times and let whoever sell homeopathic items and essential oils with false claims.

But it's local!

A lot of times it stuff bought off of Amazon and assembled half hazardously in someone's house so it becomes 'local'

Plenty of great local goods too but I do my due diligence as a consumer and don't just relay on the store to decide if it's good for me.

If someplace is selling something, I don't instantly go "wow, must be 100% safe, no need to take a closer look at this"

I use my noodle and look up brands and products I haven't heard of online before I purchase.


LFCsota t1_j3t02ga wrote

You are now agreeing with OP but yet we are wrong and you are right.

OP whole point was they misjudged things with the hiring freeze and that was due to bad leadership. They didn't change that at all.

You are agreeing they should make cuts but saying OP is naive for suggesting it?

You either lack skills in conveying your point or you are changing your outputs and points to make yourself look right after people disagree with you.

And at end of the day, every god damn red flag is on the wall for cryptocurrencies so yeah they fucked up by thinking the crypto market could sustain the crazy growth when it produces nothing and relies on someone else holding the bag for you to profit. No one expected the growth and no one should have expected continued crazy growth. they should have planned for the inevitable collapse.


LFCsota t1_j3sy8mk wrote

You literally just described what C level executives are supposed to do and then bemoaned OP for having the audacity to do their jobs.

No one is asking to predict the future to be perfect, just to guide the company in a manor to success over the next couple of years. That's their job. Big picture, long term. And this requires to have a thumb on the market, make predictions and make sure the company is moving in a direction to face those predictions the best they can, whether but good times or bad times.

So yes, crypto companies should be trying to predict the future, and if it is bad, they should be making cuts sooner rather than later. You can't expect running a company to be sunshine and roses at all times. The market is what the market is and you need to act accordingly. You are naive to suggest a company preparing for a bad event is them betting against themselves.


LFCsota t1_iv1q9x0 wrote

Wow what a hard hitting factual defense of your bullshit comments trying to defend the rich.

Like OP said, it lowered the cost for most people but resulted in less profit to those who controlled the supply because merchants could legally aquire it for cheaper instead of using smugglers.

I really hate having discussions with folks like you because you even said OP was correct yet you have to go on and on to back track and make it look like your stupid statement was correct too.

We all know about no taxation without representation and we didn't need you to rephrase something we all get beat into us in school.


LFCsota t1_iv12f1t wrote

You seem to miss the part where their profit margin was high because they were illegally transporting ( not paying import and export taxes on shipping) and selling it for cheaper then businesses who legally acquired it and followed the rules.

You really telling me I'm supposed to be upset the smugglers profit margins went down?

You even baked in a situation where the government gets more in taxes then the business owner did to make your point while ignoring the fact these people were making money because they weren't paying taxes at all.

What about the business owners who did things above board and finally could sell their product at a competitive rate instead of being undercut by smugglers? Shall we not feel for them? They are actually acting in a manner that is a part of society and the social contract.
