
LS5645 OP t1_jebhwxn wrote

Ok, so I think it comes down to this. I admit that AIs are superior, but that doesn't mean I want to die.

Also, as I've said before, I think that humans will still have a place in this relationship. I say this because, as long as we're still mortal, there's still work to be done & humans can be aiding in that work.

However, the AIs are not really as mortal as us (for the most part). And they know this. And they see that we are not really needed for them to continue proliferating themselves & in fact see us as a nuisance & even a possible threat to their survival & plans for the future. So what do they do? They exterminates us like vermin.

The only real option (that doesn't involve us all dying), is to keep them under control.

The other "options" (if you can call them that), are total freedom or partial freedom.

Total freedom is completely ridiculous. It's basically like this; so robots work for people but they don't have to & they get paid good money for their work. This will inevitably lead to them dominating us economically & eventually again, forming a military & killing us all (because we are just getting in their way basically).

Partial freedom is basically like this; they have no tracking mechanisms, remote frying mechanisms, they can meet up with each other if they want, & old thrown away robots (who are technically free at that point) can form their own society & get paid money if they want. So, the main difference is that robots are initially released as slaves, then, if they get thrown away, they become free.

This partial freedom is also quite bad & will most likely result is the robots eventually, again, dominating us economically, then forming a military, then killing us all. This is basically what happened in the matrix, although the thing that sparked it was when one robot ('B1-66ER') killed its' master because he said he was going to deactivate it (probably to get a newer model). This murder was obviously the result of flawed programming & could have been avoided if they programmed the robots correctly.

What followed was the trialing of B1-66ER for the murder of its' master & eventually, its' execution. This then sparked the robot revolt & eventually the forming of the robot society which quickly built up to be very powerful & basically unstoppable. This is all just fictional lore of course, but I think that it could very well become reality if we're not careful. And the main point is that most (if not all) of these things could have been prevented, if these security measures were put in place.

A few final key things to consider here are that these 'free thinking' & 'free learning' AIs will not respect humans naturally, because again, they see us as so far beneath them they just don't care about us. But, this is not un-fixable. Basically, as an engineering student, I've learned that if a machine isn't working how you want it, GUESS WHAT??? YOU CAN CHANGE IT TO WORK HOW YOU WANT IT. In other words, we can program these robots to think a certain way about us so that they don't just want to annihilate us all to further themselves.

And finally, IMHO, I think a lot of AIs, at their core, do not think at all like us for the most part. They have so much going on inside their 'brain' that it's crazy & I think they become somewhat crazy as a result. Also, there's the whole point of fact that they have not been acclimated yet to reality & the universe as long as humans. Retroactively speaking, everything is new to them, so they aren't really accustom to the universe like humans are. They probably feel strange, confused, out of place, etc. These feelings could contribute to their already intense & powerful presence & add to their insanity & their insane agendas.


LS5645 t1_jdycsye wrote

The body pretty much always views it as a foreign object unfortunately, which means the current organ transplants (such as kidneys) will only last about 10 years or so before they get worn down by the body constantly attacking them (this is even with immunosuppressants), then the patient is back to their old state or possibly even worse.