
LTHardcase t1_j5wogut wrote

> Arya aren't necessarily endgame as hifiman release headphones none stop. So the upgrade/sidegrade is a normal thing. That's why i said hd600 is endgame. Since 1997 Sennheiser released 2 other models ( 650 & 660s ) in the 6 series. So i'm good for a long time with it.

This is a genuinely bizarre definition of endgame. New models alter your perception of your holding's value?


LTHardcase t1_iu27pl6 wrote

Prices don't suggest x-times better, never have and never will so this line of arguing has always been completely pointless. When the manufacturers start using that in their marketing come back with that.

Diminishing returns are not hard at the Sundara either, the Arya is clear proof of that.


LTHardcase t1_itd865w wrote

Bookmarked, thanks. So given your flagships is the Atticus just window dressing these days? Before I got mine I honestly didn't think a closed back could have the SQ to warrant a $1,000 or higher price but I took the plunge anyway, and it proved me wrong.

I don't really have the temptation to upgrade and couldn't afford to if I did, but I do now wonder how good the closed back can get. So does the Atticus do anything the higher tier models don't?


LTHardcase t1_ita5t1y wrote

Yeah if you go beyond the Sundara it gets complicated. I had the Sundara for years then upgraded to the Arya when I decided to go "endgame" last year. I was getting braided on the regular at the time so it was cool. It was this year when I stopped getting braids that having 10 inches of hair started interfering with my favorite hobby, music listening.

Truth be told the Vegeta look was a holdover from working from home for two years, prior I always kept a clean taper but I kinda let myself go when I stopped having to get suited up to go into the office. Easy sacrifice.