
Laeek t1_j64yxcs wrote

I have a kind of weird one, I take pictures of construction equipment for banks/lenders. They only ask me to do it about a half-dozen times a year but it generally only takes an hour and it pays $100 so it's nothing to sneeze at. I don't necessarily need the extra money but it's so easy I haven't stopped doing it.


Laeek t1_j1yygm8 wrote

Because it's not specifically a ballot initiative opposing a publicly owned utility. The actual wording would just require voters to approve any government debt over $1 billion.

Which I personally don't support but I can see the appeal of it. It's one thing to support the state taking over the electric grid, it's another thing to support a $13 billion bond measure to take over the electric grid.


Laeek t1_j1rj9bc wrote

I'd get a helmet. You're not going to be going fast at first but you might be falling and there's always the chance of hitting your head when you fall. I'd get goggles as well so you're not squinting all day if it's sunny and your eyes aren't watering all day if it's windy. You'll probably want some sort of ski gloves, your hands will be touching snow a fair bit so you don't want cloth gloves that'll get wet easily.

Lessons will probably start with the instructor walking you a ways up the mountain carrying your boards and teaching you the basics over a short area. They won't just stick you on the chairlift right off. Probably just rent your board and boots from the mountain to start, I'm sure they have a rental/lesson package.

As an aside, are you sure you don't want to learn to ski? I snowboard and kind of wish I learned to ski instead. Don't always have to be strapping/unstrapping a boot to get around, easier to get around on flat areas, and skis are faster.


Laeek t1_izysvgp wrote

If you go down to "standards" at the bottom you could see if there is anything under history or science (I'd assume it's one of those, although creationism obviously has no basis in either) that would require it to be taught.

If anyone has kids, or is just interested, it might be worth taking an hour or so to look at what knowledge we're expecting kids to end up with these days.


Laeek t1_izg5nn5 wrote

I'm being a little snarky, but have you contacted a representative or anything about this, or is the extent of your effort? Because asking reddit is going to accomplish nothing. Reach out to Joe Baldacci about it, he sponsored a bill last year to study bringing rail service to Bangor.


Laeek t1_iz9enz6 wrote

Can't say they have it for sure, but maybe you'd have some luck at a specialty beverage store like Damon's in Bangor or Stomper's in Holden? I know thats at the outside edge of the radius youre looking in but it couldn't hurt to give them a call at least.


Laeek t1_iykk7um wrote

>They are pretty open that they want to hire locals/alumni only.

Is that actually stated somewhere? Or do you think maybe it's really hard to recruit people to come work at a nondescript school in Presque Isle?


Laeek t1_iy8kxw9 wrote

Reply to comment by champsuncle in Celtics by backbaybilly

Good thought but the Celtics are only on ABC three or four times this year. NBA doesn't have an over-the-air presence like the NFL does.


Laeek t1_iy8jevy wrote

Reply to Celtics by backbaybilly

Do you want a paid service or do you want to watch them for free?