
LampardFanAlways t1_jegof7k wrote

That’s a weird thing, if true. A cop car hitting me while chasing a perpetrator is bad but maybe I didn’t pay attention to the sirens or something. Arguable. A cop car stepping out of a Dunkin drive through and hitting me when I had the right of way shouldn’t be exempt. I would be stunned if that’s the case.


LampardFanAlways t1_je6tq1o wrote

A lawsuit against Apple cos they didn’t install barriers that stop big cars?

I mean I’m not a capitalist but what are businesses supposed to do? This could have happened at a bakery run by middle class people. Should they have spent money to protect themselves from cars?

I have dined outdoors at restaurants in downtown areas where someone is parallel parking three feet away from me while I’m drinking beer. If they get their shit wrong and hit me and if I survive, I’m not going after the restaurant. I chose to sit at that table. There’s nothing the restaurant could have done to stop an atrocious driver.

If Apple has to pay up, in theory it would mean every business establishment has the responsibility to fortify their store from car crashes.


LampardFanAlways t1_jd41nse wrote

Do you discriminate against Republican supporters at your workplace? Cos some people may argue that Republicans are fascist too.

Fascism is the opposite of what democracy stands for, I get it. But retaliating against someone for a choice they have made in an election isn’t what democracy stands for either. “Fuck Bolsonaro” doesn’t have to translate into “fuck this specific Brazilian for voting for him”.


LampardFanAlways t1_jd3zfl8 wrote

Brazil did that and did so in a fair election and they made that decision. They didn’t do it for Americans to acknowledge their disdain for fascism. They did cos they looked at two options and picked one that they thought is better and in this case it aligns with what you think but they didn’t do it for you.

But the very idea of imposing over a democratic nation about who should or shouldn’t win is not ideal for the sovereignty of that country. Be it a fascist presidential candidate or a dimwit presidential candidate or a corrupt presidential candidate (all three can be the same person, LOL), you don’t want to be told by a non American that it is wrong to vote for that candidate. They may be right but you don’t have to buy it cos they said it. You vote on what benefits your country. Extend the same to others cos rules that hold for them should hold for you too.

Fascism always bad, yes. So if you were hypothetically a Brazilian, you’d do well to not vote for one there, yes. But singling out Bolsonaro supporters here is against the principles of democracy. You don’t want to be discriminated against based on who you vote for here, why is it okay to discriminate against someone based on who they voted for in their own country?
