
LateIdeal9114 t1_j3b2tmw wrote

If I'm not mistaken..definitely in the East Bay, pretty much can travel, sometimes more efficiently than the Wompanoug Trail in times of rush hour, immaculate and well patrolled, bike path. From Providence to Tiverton, RI. It's not a platitude or half measured ecological deal.. it's a well integrated and organized system. People use it for legitimate exercise, socialization and common thoroughfare to work. Take particular notice of the town of Warren, RI as it turns into Bristol, RI. Baggy Wrinkle Cove (8th grade me, would have a hoot of a time, all delinquent shenanigans aside, name wise) there is a game preserve, not sure how permits were pulled for triple tiered 3000sqft : 9000sqft, pristine condos in such a protected area but the views and diversity of wildlife is better and far more ubiquitous in abundance, than anything I witnessed in 5 years at the University of Maine at Presque Isle..