
LauriCular t1_j6n74y7 wrote

Flare is only up the road from me in the UK. I've tried these and find them uncomfortable but it might be different for you.


LauriCular t1_j5bxb06 wrote

I have a TWS or two - heading out to walk to the shop, I hear 'battery low' and I know that my music will be punctuated by this warning every 20 seconds until the things turn off. Not very convenient.

The popularity of TWS is due to perceived convenience sure, but how much of its popularity is because people have no choice? I went out of my way to get a V20 phone back in 2018 because it has a headphone socket (gasp), but most people will blindly just buy what's put in front of them.


LauriCular t1_j290j74 wrote

The jack can give out a bit of a crackle when there's a bit of movement. Often, stuff can build up on them over time but they can be a bit crackly straight out of the factory. Breath on the jack and give it a wipe with your jumper or a cloth a few times. It might help.