
Lazy_Football_511 t1_j5wwmmo wrote

Honestly, no. I used to drive for a living and I have been all over the eastern seaboard so I am pretty sure I have driven through there at least once or twice.

I think the closest to there that I have spent any time at was a restaurant near I-291 but that was years ago and most likely East Springfield. Cajun food, huge servings. Last time through they said they were calling it quits.


Lazy_Football_511 t1_j5wtjqu wrote

Uh...I think not. I think Brockton drivers are so used to people jaywalking their minds can not comprehend a pedestrian on a crosswalk so it does not register with them. Then again, most Brockton drivers see a crosswalk at an intersection as the spot to stop with their front seat between the two lines.


Lazy_Football_511 t1_j5we9h7 wrote

Huh. Brockton is where I feel the most unsafe as a pedestrian over any other place I have been. It is strange how people seem more safe impulsively stepping into the street than those using crosswalks with walk signals.


Lazy_Football_511 t1_ix9i4st wrote

They must be having some kind of coordinated drive. Every time I go through Legion Parkway in Brockton a pair are there with their sign and lawn chairs.

I think other groups are situated around Copley Square and the Commons.

Then again, the Commons these days has someone from every religion and cult there trying to hook in people.