
Leanster2000 t1_j31qkyh wrote

You are simply not good at math. You realize it is possible that the/any vaccine has a 1 in a 100,000,000 chance of causing _insertyourrarediseasehere_. Until you have a couple of billion doses distributed, you don't know if it is statistically relevant or not. At the point in time the statement was made it was entirely correct with the statistics at that time. The fact that it took a lot longer for these rare side effects to be shown underscores exactly how rare they are and makes my point stronger.

The political impact of covid mortality has been presented by a number of researchers, and the effect is undeniably dramatic, there are others as well, but I guess it is all just a big conspiracy:




Leanster2000 t1_j31p0ty wrote

Nobody, including yourself, knew 1) what the speed of mutation would be 2) the impact of the mutations. There were no major mutations for quite a while, and the eventual mutations were able to evade infection but not protection against severe disease and death. No one could have guaranteed that the protection against death would remain, but it has and as a consequence we have saved millions of American lives. Sorry if this angers you.


Leanster2000 t1_j303ly9 wrote

The statistics are freely available. Google it. BTW your memory sucks. They could not and did not promise transmission before the vaccine was in distribution. They could hope and assume, based on the % of cases prevented, that is was very likely transmission would be prevented, but they couldn't guarantee until it was distributed widely. In Feb 2021 Fauci called it "the looming question". By May 2021 the case collapse in Israel was so dramatic, effectiveness against transmission was proven for that original variant. And then of course the variants came.


Leanster2000 t1_j2zqx0c wrote

You need to take another look at the data - for older age ranges myocarditis is at background levels - by May 2021, only older and middle age adults had real access to the vaccine, so the the statement there is no link was 100% true at the time. Only when enough young males got the vaccine was there a statistically significant indication that the rate was higher than background. Nothing nefarious there, just math. And again, repeating the point you so obviously sidestepped, the odds of myocarditis are far higher, even in the young male cohort, from myocarditis from unvaccinated covid, and vaccine induced myocarditis is far milder than "natural" covid myocarditis (10x less death rate).

I am not misinterpreting you. The approval process is totally different for vaccines vs therapeutics. There is zero reason to believe they should be the same or compared. The dangerous politics isn't coming from the scientist. There is only one political party that found it worthwhile to shore up the base by seeding doubt in a lifesaving vaccine at the cost of the lives of their own constituents.



Leanster2000 t1_j2zeo9s wrote

Comparing a vaccine to therapeutics is concrete proof you have no idea what you are talking about. You might as well compare vaccines to vitamins, lead paint, ball point pens.

If you understood statistics, how rare vaccine induced myocarditis is, the slightly modified stance over time makes sense. BECAUSE IT IS SO RARE IT TAKES A LONG TIME TO BUILD UP ENOUGH CASES TO BE STATSTICALLY SIGNIFICANT. If you were an intellectually honest person, you would also note that the odds of myocarditis are far higher, even in the young male cohort, from myocarditis from unvaccinated covid, and that vaccine induced myocarditis is far milder than "natural" covid myocarditis (10x less death rate). But let's not talk about that.


Leanster2000 t1_j2zddpi wrote

Even in the highest risk cohort it is orders of magnitude less than covid itself, that is a verifiable fact! Even if you get vaccine induced myocarditis, it is 10x less lethal than natural disease induced myocarditis, that is is a verifiable fact! Or do you think you can live in a world when you will never get covid? I guess if you get on the Enterprise with Spock...


Leanster2000 t1_j2zctup wrote

1)So when I provide you the citation you promise to crawl back under your rock? Do I have to embarrass you or do you realize google can be your friend?

2)You are the idiots claiming it is higher, where is your proof? Be aware, I am well versed on all the GBD BS and the sad cast of characters, the masters of misrepresentation. You have ZERO evidence. You have something you saw on TV, a frigging anecdote. You have to realize, to a scientist, you folks sound like complete and utter idiots. I don't expect laypeople to understand the intricacies of statistical analysis, but I do expect people who have no idea what they are talking about to STFU and let the adults speak.

The football deaths were as follows: "The most common causes of fatalities were cardiac failure (n = 100, 41.2%), brain injury (n = 62, 25.5%), heat illness (n = 38, 15.6%), SCT (n = 11, 4.5%), asthma and commotio cordis (n = 7 each, 2.9% each), embolism/blood clot (n = 5, 2.1%), cervical fracture (n = 4, 1.7%), and intra-abdominal injury, infection, and lightning (n = 3, 1.2% each)"

We haven't seen a NFL football on the field death since the 50's, so it seems odd and new, but the study show in college and high school, over 100 heart related deaths in the time span of the study. It happens all the time, you just don't notice it.


Leanster2000 t1_j2zas0z wrote

Ah, the intricate dance of the cherry picker. CDC never initially claimed transmission data because it is impossible to know before the vaccine is released - this is done in surveillance mode. And indeed, for the first 6 month or so, before the delta variant it did indeed prevent transmission. Concrete data in Israel, as case count dropped to 30 per day (same pop as NJ) despite only 60% of the residents getting the vaccine. This is when the vaccine greatly prevented cases + transmissions (the 90% number) communications were out. Then the delta variant and further variants came, eroding case and transmission effectiveness, but hospitalization and death prevention remained high. But all of this will slide off you like water, and you can go back to your ignorant, foolish and conspiratorial ways.


Leanster2000 t1_j2yrirj wrote

Do you actually expect people to believe with a straight face that the covid vaccines are a failure? While effectiveness against transmission declined after 6 months, effectiveness against hospitalization and death remained high, especially when boosted. By conservative counts the vaccines have saved on the order of 2-3 million American lives, but who cares, right?


Leanster2000 t1_j2yq30v wrote

You clearly don't understand the difference between a therapeutic drug and a vaccine. You realize that vaccine doesn't actually attack any virus, right? It is an immune system trigger. It triggers and goes away - mRNA is insanely fragile, it is why it took so many years to make an effective vaccine from it. All known negative side effects for any vaccine in history is within two months. There is no biological mechanism for anything longer. Post-covid vaccine safety survelliance was done by a wide variety of independent university and international labs, all showing the safety profile is as previously stated. Stop hiding behind your lack of knowledge of biology or chemistry as an excuse to spout BS.

That a few countries have decided against spending the $40/shot for boosters for young people is an economic decision that IMHO ignores the impact of long covid on young people, to their peril. There has never been a legitimate study that shows for any age/gender cohort that is more dangerous to take the vaccine than to not.


Leanster2000 t1_j2yewpv wrote

The one bad thing about Reddit is the anonymity frees people to spout their ignorance (in this case science) without any true fear of embarrassment. To a scientist, the comparisons you make of covid vaccines to a variety of unrelated therapeutics is so idiotic it makes one want to cry in despair over the failures of teaching STEM in our educational system.


Leanster2000 t1_j2y24fm wrote

The reason your statement is downvoted is that it is factually false. As in not true, not supported by any objective evidence, just ghoulish right wing wishful thinking. About 5 Americans under the age of 25 die every day from undiagnosed heart conditions, and this number was from BEFORE covid and covid vaccines. As for football collisions, young people die all the time in/due to football collisions (at an average rate of 12 per year!): https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23477766/