
LengthinessFresh4897 t1_j2f1642 wrote

Based on your username I’m going to assume you like green apples so just because you like green apples does that mean you don’t like oranges? Just because somebody likes Katy perry are they not allowed to like Lizzo?

This concept of a “type” is so very annoying to me because it’s not black and white as people try and make it seem he is able to find both skinny gothic chicks and curvy women attractive at the same time he just simply like women


LengthinessFresh4897 t1_iydt6bd wrote

Before you leave for work get a copy of your lease I had a similar situation and almost went to jail because my ex told the police that I was stalking her and I didn't live there luckily my neighbors called the property manager and they straightened it out but I'll never forget that night