
LeoMarius t1_jdhlkas wrote

Yep. I moved to DC in the 1990s. I knew people who got mugged in Dupont and Foggy Bottom. We were all wary of the city, but going out was cheap and you could rent or buy a place without problem.

Then prices shot up, but at least crime went down. Some people liked the trade off and others hated it, depending a lot on how much money you had.

Expensive and unsafe is a terrible combination, but it won't last long. Either the city fixes the crime problem, or people will leave again and prices will fall.


LeoMarius t1_jdaalj5 wrote

Only if I know they'd like it, or if it's of particular importance to me.

As a librarian, I'm better at picking out books for people than most, but still it's never perfect.


LeoMarius t1_jch1lim wrote

It also depends on how much of a homebody you are. If you just crash at home and go out a lot, then why bother with a lot of space?

If you stay home quite a bit, more space is appreciated.

If you don't go out as much, then you can live in a more remote neighborhood.

This also changes with age. Someone just out of college is just happy to have his own pad. Someone in his 40s needs more space but a quieter neighborhood.


LeoMarius t1_jcfkwoe wrote

I lived in a condo. One of the owners refused to pay his dues because the trash room was next door to him. When the condo board took him to court, he countered that they need to move the trash room.

The judge asked, "where was the trash room when you bought the place?" Of course, it was there, so the guy knew what he was getting into. The judge dismissed his countersuit and forced the sale of his condo if he didn't pay up immediately. He didn't, so it was auctioned off.


LeoMarius t1_j9z87g1 wrote