
LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_j3tfvms wrote

You replied to me about my reply to your other account. The whole context was them living in my house.

That was what you challenged me on with your question about my security vs Walmarts.



LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_j3t9h19 wrote

You seem to be admitting you are this person who literally suggested they live in my house.


And yes, I have a screenshot. Don’t edit it now.


LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_j3t5ltk wrote

I’m fully aware you understand that my security is at risk if random people live in my house but Walmart’s security is not at risk if they live next to the parking lot.

Why would you have security and liability issues from allowing this, but Walmart would not?

If you can’t see the difference between me and my daughter sharing our 800 sq feet of domicile with strangers and people sleeping on unused land between a parking lot and a river, I can’t help you.

It’s illegal in Worcester to sleep on public land.


LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_j3t3rfj wrote

I have a problem with the voters of Worcester, with MassDOT, with Walmart, with the Worcester government, with the MA state government, with the US federal government, and with several commenters here, including you.

They blocked.

> Oh no a random nobody on reddit who can't accomplish anything more than impotently bitch on social media has a problem with me whatever shall I do.

> I don't know if you have any responsible adults to tell you this but downvoting people on the internet doesn't make you right nor does it make you any less unmoored from reality.

I’m enough moored to reality that I can think outside the frame I was trained to look through, unlike you.

And I guess you were upset enough to block.


LetMeSleepNoEleven t1_j3t3ekp wrote

> I’m fully aware you understand that my security is at risk if random people live in my house but Walmart’s security is not at risk if they live next to the parking lot.

> Why would you have security and liability issues from allowing this, but Walmart would not?

If you can’t see the difference between me and my daughter sharing our 800 sq feet of domicile with strangers and people sleeping on unused land between a parking lot and a river, I can’t help you.

It’s illegal in Worcester to sleep on public land.