
Level3Kobold t1_jecsxq6 wrote

"Fun but not good" tells me something, but "like a live action cartoon" does not - especially not in the context of Star Wars media.

The explication posted by the other commenter doesn't particularly sound "cartoonlike", it just sounds like an action/adventure serial.

I mean Looney Tunes, Batman Beyond, and Bojack Horseman are all cartoons. Aside from all being cartoons, I can't think of much else they have in common, where you could say "oh yeah this just feels like a live action version of all of those".


Level3Kobold t1_je9ly2b wrote

Protip: don't lay your sliced meat flat. Fold it over and crumple it up on the samdwich. It'll look, feel, and taste like you're getting more meat, because of the increased surface area


Level3Kobold t1_je4dc24 wrote

That graph makes me think that research spending does not improve HDI.

According to the graph, about half of latin american countries spend considerably less on research than Brazil does, but have higher HDI anyway.

It looks like having a higher HDI simply allows countries to contribute more money to research - which some of them choose to do and others don't.


Level3Kobold t1_jdapibx wrote

>Theory wise (and in practice), the best way to identify the protagonist of a story is to see which character has the strongest desire and acts on it.

Bilbo isn't the protagonist, Thorin is


Level3Kobold t1_j1li1mi wrote

>you could be out planting trees or cleaning up rivers

Good individuals cannot counteract bad systems without first destroying those systems.

If you're suggesting OP focus on solutions, planting trees and picking garbage out of rivers by hand aren't the solutions that will solve anything. Not while corporations are dumping tons of waste into ecosystems, or massacring the local fauna.

Planting a tree and thinking you've done your part is just a coping mechanism to help you ignore the systemic problem. Recycling bins are the opiate of the masses.


Level3Kobold t1_j1lhmqe wrote

Scientists: we are destroying our future as a species, massacring the planet's biodiversity, and dooming future generations because we refuse to prioritize anything over our short term financial gains

Your Silverburg quote: lol grow up kid, only teenagers think society is bad


Level3Kobold t1_iwmnebd wrote

Police from other nations are able to do their job without killing people.

Police from America kill many people.

The discrepancy is not proportional to gun ownership.

If you believe that the vast majority of those killings are justified, then what - in your opinion - makes Americans so much more deserving of death compared to other nationalities?