
LevelHeeded t1_jbeklii wrote

Too many humans are way too obsessed with what other humans do in private.

Imagine if this person had to be honest for two second, and give the real reason, not this "public order and national safety" that we know is 100% bullshit. I would like to know the real reason this person is envious of other people pleasuring themselves.


LevelHeeded t1_j65bsya wrote

Oh yeah, it's my second favorite way to describe pooping, it's only topped by "I gotta get something down on paper".

I've seen random ass pics on Reddit from multiple angles, pretty sure some kid shitting in box during Biology would be on r/trashy and r/PublicFreakout multiple times. You know if there was even a shred of proof Fox would have ran that story 24/7 for about a month.


LevelHeeded t1_j64xsym wrote

My aunt in law was going off about this at Thanksgiving... after a bit of a discussion and some articles, thankfully she's one of the few that can admit she was wrong.

The one point that really got her was when I asked for proof, and she didn't have any, and then I asked if she honestly thought, in this day and age, if some kid was dropping a deuce in the middle of class in a litter box that we wouldn't have a shit load of pictures/video?

It's still so amazing the stupid shit people default believe with zero evidence.


LevelHeeded t1_iwpyzgg wrote

Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho would be a step up. At least he's focused on real issues, like all that starving bullshit, and running out of French fries and burrito coverings.

At least Camacho had some kind of plan, and found the smartest man in the world to assist him.

What I'm trying to say is Herschel Walker is dumber than Idiocracy.