
Leviacule t1_j8m0unv wrote

This is when you just give up trying to define others as criminals and accept that if you can't solve the suffering no matter how hard you try, then the suffering might as well just be accepted.

Who gives a fuck about drugs, and anything "slave like" will go unregulated like it does in the poorest of areas on earth.

I'd rather whatever economic system I participate in at that point in the future to not waste our resources fighting unwinnable battles.


Leviacule t1_j2q6cld wrote

Solipsism is a pretty solid argument. It just doesn't mesh well with free will. We're all just dissolving chemicals perceiving the world through a single uniform experience. We just can't communicate we're the same because no matter what medium we try to communicate the message with, we affect part of the chemical now. No matter what, the message deviates into the environment and either vibrates into a disagreement or vibrates into a perfect hive mind. (Disagree with me, I dare you)