
LifetimeTraveler t1_iyemwim wrote

Sounds obsessive imo. If my male bff were calling me everyday, texting me everyday, and prioritizing hanging out with me over his significant other I would no longer be his friend. It's not okay to feel neglected in a relationship because your partner is putting a lot of his energy into another girl.

Oh and if they're so close....why don't the 3 of you just hang out together? Seems like a very weak relationship.


LifetimeTraveler t1_iyeh8vn wrote

Be thankful he only wasted a year of your time, don't let him waste more. You got this! ✌️❤️

P.S this notion that people shouldn't look at their significant others phone is complete bs. If he tries gaslighting you ask to see his phone. If he makes an excuse or tries to make you seem toxic for asking just remember you're being gaslit.