
LilJonPaulSartre t1_jefu3lw wrote

Sold my car and bought a very old "fun car" since reliability wouldn't be a concern. I probably drive once or twice every couple of weeks. Access to things, including other cities, without a car is one of the main reasons we live here.


LilJonPaulSartre t1_j8uh0gs wrote

It bothers me, too. I'm a photographer and while I was taking long exposures on medium format film of the Tidal Basin, two teenagers filmed me and insinuated I was a creep because my camera "is big" (I had a long lens on). I'm sure it went on a tiktok or IG story or something. That kind of sucks. But it's also kind of unavoidable. People are going to be assholes whether it's filmed or not. I do think we could do a better job of preventing malicious use of a private/non-public figure's likenesses. Just don't think we can actually do that until the likeness is used maliciously. It can't be done by preventing the filming in the first place.


LilJonPaulSartre t1_j8sea4y wrote

The First Amendment might take issue with this proposal. There's no reasonable expectation of privacy in public. Full stop. This is decided law. And for good reason! Prohibiting filming in public is like a fascist's/cop's/corrupt politician's wet dream.

In a city like DC, you should always assume you're in someone's photo or video. Not to mention that we're probably one of the most surveilled cities in the country. You're always on video. It's very unlikely that we're going to legislate a limit on First Amendment protections. Hell, we've decided that the First Amendment's definition is so broad, even corporate money is speech, so...

The other parts of this dude's behavior should be (and probably are) illegal, but you seem like you're focused on the wrong thing.


LilJonPaulSartre t1_j8sbyqd wrote

This is not true. There are virtually no public spaces where it is illegal to film/photograph in the United States. It's First Amendment protected activity. There is no reasonable expectation of privacy in any public space, or most spaces readily visible from public spaces (i.e. seen without obstruction from a public sidewalk, etc.)

That said, his other speech could very well constitute sexual harassment, so it bears being reported. But simply filming in public is in no way illegal, and you do not need consent to do so.

Please don't give bad information confidently stated as fact. It makes life harder for people who legitimately film/photograph in public.