
Lilly6916 t1_jea2rnl wrote

Sorry, I didn’t mean financial pressure. But people should have the option to do this sooner. I wouldn’t want to live the end of my life trapped in my body, not able to do anything, not able to communicate readily, maybe not able to breathe on my own, maybe in a nursing home. The financial pressure and burden on my family would certainly be a consideration. But not the primary issue. Some people want every second they can get and that should also be their option.


Lilly6916 t1_je843mp wrote

Reply to comment by PopSiKo in Death with dignity by Avocadoexpresss

But there have also been people with disabilities who want to exit and because they can’t do the deed themselves are forced to continue. How can we make it fair for everyone?


Lilly6916 t1_ixofkl0 wrote

I got some great traps from Amazon as well. They’re yellow very sticky tubes that you can stand or hang. You can put cider vinegar in the base. It took awhile to clear them all. I think new generations hatched after I caught the first round.