
Lint_baby_uvulla t1_iveh4i0 wrote

Me : “” at 51. && Look at you go with all those extra years to find your new path.

I know the challenge of accepting your Dx. If a professional has made that diagnosis, go gentle on yourself and spend your energy with self compassion and understanding instead of fighting it.

You’ve probably spend a good part fighting it anyway right.. so try a new path.


I just need to listen to my own advice when I’m not feeling motivated right now with stress and bills and feeling like I am really not capable of the job I used to do 3 months ago. And zero prospects if I can find another job that I can do. I’m too old. To learn new tricks. To be hired. Just spent 3 hours looking at Seek, Jora, indeed and depressed not finding anything that I can do.

Fuck. More CBT hard work to challenge the mental filters.