
LipTrev t1_iybuppw wrote

> I grew up in a small city in the Central Valley of California.

People specifically buy cars from the Central Valley due to them being usually rust free even when they are 20-30 years old. With no undercoating needed other than the usually soundproofing coating.

The coastal regions get salt air.


LipTrev t1_iybuj8e wrote

This is just plain false.

Places with lots of rain, lots of humidity, and no snow, that are far from salt air do not rust anything like cars that drive on salted roads, or live in a salt air environment.

And those two (salted roads versus salt air) have different rust patterns from each other.

The linked article is a Canadian website. If they lived in the American South they'd know they were lying.


LipTrev t1_ixz2p9a wrote

> Got some cool stories about things like color TV. The first specs brought to the government would have rendered B/W TVs useless, and they said "go back and make black and white, and color TVs work on the same frequencies, it can be done.

B&W TVs being able to use the color signal, and later mono TVs being able to use the stereo signal was always such a cool bit of engineering.

I love that the audio method especially: an L+R signal and then an L-R signal that the stereo TVs use to create L and R signals through addition for L and inversion and then addition for R.


LipTrev t1_ix1rawq wrote

This is slow for the same reason things like Angel's Flight in LA, and whatever that thing is called in Pittsburgh are slow: it is cogged railway, at least in parts.

The Glacier Express also has lots of sections on regular (narrow gauge) rails, so it is not a simple cogged railway.

The general class is called Steep Grade Railway:

San Francisco uses a cable system to climb it's grades, but it is of the same general class.


LipTrev t1_iwug5n1 wrote

If you are named after family members the only differentiation possible some times are the middle initial.

Some country somewhere had this issue when a father and then a son became prime ministers basically one after the other.


LipTrev t1_iwexli1 wrote

"civilian" should be in quotes to a greater or lesser degree

They are deployed, they have restrictions on movement, are under secrets acts, etc.

Interesting note: only US citizens can become US Coast Guard certified Captains (of inspected vessels; aka COI vessels) because just as all US flagged airplanes can be pressed into military service, so can all COI vessels and their Captains.


LipTrev t1_iuje8ok wrote

Wall of Voodoo cover of Ring of Fire:

This cover set them on their path of synth music for Westerns culminating in Call of the West, a brilliant album, most popularly know for Mexican Radio.

Mexican Radio:

But the most inspired song on the album is the title track closing the album

Brilliant, brilliant music.
