
LittleButterfly100 t1_jae6xx9 wrote

This tracks with me. I was always described as "going on 30" and felt more grown than my peers. But at 25 I noticed I felt like 23 and at 28 felt like 25. At 31 I might feel like 28 maybe 30. More experienced, facing different goals, more assured of myself, but not over the hill and not out of touch.


LittleButterfly100 t1_jae6h4a wrote

I can see that but even still, just because you FEEL like you're ten doesn't mean your physical body is not beholden to laws.

I think we talk about subjective age often. And in therapy it's common to use an idea of "inner child" and "inner guardian" in discussion. I think most people has a part of them that feels like a small child - someone who may be scared or easily amused/excited/awed, who feels hurt from small things or is needier than a self sufficient adult.