
LittleDollGames t1_iufzhch wrote

I would say that I definitely use the library a lot. Of the books that I have read this year about 70% of them have come from the library. It is honestly done out of both convenience and a desire to save money. I listen to a lot of audiobooks and I do not have the kind of money to buy that many of them.

I do also have some light rules for myself in regard to buying books.

- The first thing I take into consideration is theater or not the library is likely to get the book, for example, if it is a manga or light novel series then I will likey buy it myself because it is not something the library would normally get.

- Second I consider if it was a book I really really liked. I usually buy my favorite books after reading them so that they can be added to my collection. When I do this I will often try to find it second-hand first. I love buying books from pangobooks because of how cheap the books can be.

These aren't steadfast rules because I do love a good birthday book-buying spree at Barnes and Noble but it does help keep my collection manageable.


LittleDollGames t1_itqcvjp wrote

It depends. If I sometimes if I know that I’m just not in the mood to read a particular book I’ll put it back on my TBR and try later but if I have picked up a book several times and still not gotten past the first few pages I’ll add it to the DNF shelf.


LittleDollGames t1_itn8atn wrote

No. I have a whole Goodreads shelf dedicated to books I DNF. I don't count a book as read until I finish it. I want to be able to actively recommend or disrecommend a book and it feels more genuine if I read the whole thing and know all of the plot details. If someone were to ask I would say, I started it but didn't finish for XYZ reason.