
LittlestBokChoy t1_j8dgg8j wrote

I went to RIC and did my internship through URI and visiting URI was like going to Disney for me. While I envied the little college town and well funded facilities I still wouldn’t change my choice for RIC. I had one on one mentor relationships with all the teachers in my department the entire time. In the physical science/bio depts everyone knows your name. It was like a family with my fellow students and all the staff and faculty.

The teachers at RIC really care about you and what you’re struggling with and will help you any way they can. Because of the small class sizes, they are able to go above and beyond for their students. The amazing people at RIC got me to where I am today!


LittlestBokChoy t1_j6ho4ie wrote

Attleboro is right on the commuter rail, so you can go both north and south with it! I’m so lucky about my location because I’m currently starting my job search and commuting to almost anywhere is relatively easy! I hope you guys find your home around here. southeast MA/ RI is honestly my favorite place to be. I grew up here and wouldn’t leave it for more than a vacation.


LittlestBokChoy t1_j45z7zj wrote

Does it have to be in providence? Im in a triple decker in Attleboro, the third floor is empty and renovated and the first floors eviction goes through in 2 weeks. It’s close to the commuter rail and highway. I commuted to college in prov from here very easily. Landlord lists “no pets” but I was able to move in with 2 cats because I wrote a nice email saying they’re good kitties. The units aren’t posted as available but they are empty/soon to be empty and he will take my recommendation if you’re interested. Best of luck.


LittlestBokChoy t1_j0ncd16 wrote

Reply to comment by BendekStormsaver in RI drivers by [deleted]

It got a little better after covid, many classes resumed as hybrids when we realized some zoom lectures were efficient. A lot of people could stay home for part of their day.