
Locke_Moghan t1_j6n6e11 wrote

I'm not talking about this show. I'm talking about the other they do, like Wednesday and Tiger King. Never would have zoomed up to the top had they not put those shows on a pedestal already.

And then the article campaigns that kept getting posted on Reddit. You could throw a stick and hit some article gushing about Andor or Wednesday.


Locke_Moghan t1_j6g4i9p wrote

A special bonus: As a computer programmer, I appreciate how well-researched and crafted all of the hacking scenes are. Just about every other show with Hollywood hacking makes me cringe. It makes real hacking tense and exciting while still being realistic. The r/itsaunixsystem sub tries and fails to find anything at fault with the show.

There's an early S1 example where he's trying to figure out some guy's password, and tries a dictionary attack (running through a bunch of common passwords). It actually doesn't work, and realizes he should hunt for personal data on his Facebook account to get there. If it was some Hollywood show, he'd get the password in ten seconds and it would have some goofy GUI interface to tell him he "Hacked the Gibson" or some shit. The art of the craft is weaved into the story rather well.

The router S2 episode also comes to mind, but I won't say anything else because of spoilers.