
Longjumping_Youth281 t1_ixqbqy1 wrote

Wait so in the song is this made out to be like trivial or something like that? Because it sounds like he dumped an entire bus worth of trash in a beautiful meadow. That actually is a kind of shitty thing to do. When people said littering I always thought like it was one paper cup or something like that.

Stockbridge is absolutely beautiful and has some great natural beauty and stuff like that. It would definitely suck if two people came from out of town and literally just dumped garbage everywhere


Longjumping_Youth281 t1_iuje72m wrote

I think for some of the spying they needed to get a warrant from a judge but since it was a secret it was like a sort of secret Court. Those warrants were basically always rubber stamps and the judge said yes something like 99% of the time. I think he's saying that like from now on they will only do it 95% of the time. Maybe.

At least that's my understanding. Too lazy to look it up so I'll wait for somebody to correct me


Longjumping_Youth281 t1_irrppbt wrote

Right. This is how I think of them also. Doesn't life also necessitate some sort of metabolism?

Viruses don't take anything in from the environment and like metabolize it. They just seem to be floating sacks of chemicals that necessitate their reproduction. I mean I guess in a certain sense you could say that about everything that is alive but the other stuff, like us for example, actively take in nutrients and metabolize them


Longjumping_Youth281 t1_irrnru6 wrote

I mean what about a prion? Doesn't that kind of do what viruses do except on a much simpler scale? In other words it forces the replication of itself due to how its chemicals are composed and arranged.

Viruses also kind of do the same thing due to the arrangement of the chemicals they force the reproduction of themselves, just on a much more complex scale.

That's how I think of viruses at least. I mean I'm coming from a non science background so you know I don't exactly know what I'm talking about here but to me they seem like just an arrangement of chemicals that Force the reproduction of themselves when they come into contact with certain cells.

It's definitely a weird gray area though and does not neatly fit into the constructs that we have created