
Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_iu11p6b wrote

I think the key distinction between your examples and mine is you're looking at population growth AFTER an established genocide. The above claim is stating that genocide is currently happening and has been happening for 60 years. There's the equivalency issue.

The evidence just does not support that claim at all


Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itslus9 wrote

Lol that's what sent you over the edge? Nazis still exist in most Western countries, especially in Europe and North America. You know that right?

So if they still CURRENTLY exist, what's to prevent something like Nazi Germany again? Hungary, North Korea, Myanmar and Iran are running a lot of parallels to the policy of 1930s-1940s Germany


Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itsh19o wrote

> Why give them a homeland? What for?

Centuries of hate, bigotry and/or genocide towards the Jewish people from most countries. The Holocaust, the Gentlemens agreements, the Iranian Revolution, the Pogroms, the Muslim World Exile, the Spanish Inquisition... I feel like that's plenty of reasons.

> They came from europe when escaping the nazis, now thr nazis are gone. Why cant they go back?

Jews are originally from the Middle East. Also what's to stop something like the Nazis from coming back? Germany was a modern, tolerant country for Jews right up until it wasn't.

> Why do you support a nation state?

Because that's what most of the planet looks like

> Why only jews? Because you are one?

My being jewish doesnt mean i only care about jews. Careful, that was almost a strawman fallacy.

> Why are jews put above everyone else?

They aren't, I dont know where you're getting that from.

> Why do american tax payers have to literally fund a nation state?

Sounds like a question for your politician

> even palestinian worshippers in aqsa mosque who are regularly targetted by the idf for praying

For praying? Yeah gunna need a source for that

> If zionism means the killing of innocent palestinians, then fuck zionism.

Not what zionism means, here's the definition since you seem to be struggling: zionism

Ultimately it seems that you're not against Jews having a homeland (great! So you're not anti-zionist). You seem more upset at the consequences of zionism being applied in a specific case to a specific region. Very different. Like you hating oil stains, not oily foods


Longwalk4AShortdrink t1_itsben0 wrote

I agree that they're targeted, but I think you and I are not seeing eye-to-eye on the targets (since I count extremist Palestinian militants as a legitimate target).

Tell you what, let's prove genocide using something less open to interpretation: whats the Palestinian population compared to 10 years ago?

Edit: I think it's safe to say that based off your silence, you've seen how problematic the claim of Genocide is