
LopsidedIdeal t1_j621snl wrote

Angel: You're not gonna win.

Holland: Well...no. Of course we aren't. We have no intention of doing anything so prosaic as "winning". [laughs]

Angel: Then why?

Holland: Hmm? I'm sorry, why what?

Angel: Why fight?

Holland: That's really the question you should be asking yourself, isn't it? See, for us, there is no fight. Which is why winning doesn't enter into it. We...go on, no matter what. Our firm has always been here...in one form or another. The Inquisition. The Khmer Rouge. We were there when the very first cave man clubbed his neighbor. See, we're in the hearts and minds of every single living being. And that, friend, is what's making things so difficult for you. See, the world doesn't work in spite of evil, Angel. It works with us. It works because of us.

[elevator comes to a stop and the doors open, revealing Los Angeles]

Holland: Welcome to the home office.

Angel: This isn't...

Holland: Oh, you know it is. You know that better than anyone. Things you've seen. Things you've-well, done. You see, if there wasn't evil in every single one of them out there-why, they wouldn't be people. They'd all be angels.

[Angel slowly walks out of the elevator]

Holland: Have a nice day.

these encounters only served to keep Wolfram and Hart as this huge evil that wasn't just the big bad of the season like Buffy's first evil felt, Wolfram feels like the worst of humanity personified throughout all the seasons, it doesn't seem like they'd ever truely disappear as long as humanity exists they exist.

I don't think anything has come close to them throughout any television show I've watched since.


LopsidedIdeal t1_ixcxn43 wrote


Loved every other gangster film before it but I just can't see Robert De Niro as a gangster anymore at such an age having to be digitally deconstructed into a younger version and still flailing about as a pensioner.

It felt like a huge distraction and part of his charm was his boyishness back in the day and now while he's still a good actor, I think it's time to find a younger movie star.

Maybe I should give it another go, I mean I got so near the end and just didn't bother to finish it.