
Lost_vob t1_j4ej9hi wrote

That's just it, Edison didn't wrong Tesla. This is a complete fabrication. Those entire thing exists to be clickbait. Two things people love: underdog tails and esoteric knowledge we don't learn in school. This fictional account of events offers both, so it's very popular. But it's not true.


Lost_vob t1_j4bkzzz wrote

Edison's hadn't has anything to do with "Edison Electric" or the electrical industry for over a decade at this point. The only connection is that a group of journalist were invited to the press conference of the event, one of which was one of Edison film crews.

What historical source material do you have about this "streak of missing pets"? I can't find any evidence outside of unsourced clickbait.


Lost_vob t1_j4ao9u6 wrote

American businesses? Buddy, this Amero-centric worldview is part of your problem here. The idea that things like current "wars" and exploitive business practices bring things Tesla wasn't use to is bullshit. This was the era that the Congo Free State existed in ffs!


Lost_vob t1_j4anwwd wrote

JP Morgan spent more time and money on Tesla and his wardenclyff tower than he even did on Edison. In fact, Morgan is the reason the "war" ended. Tired of Edison's moral grandstanding about public health, the plotted a murger with another electric company he owned. They ousted Edison and immediately got up to speed on AC technology. That company is still around, GE.

Tesla didn't want cost free energy, he wanted wire free energy. He still intended to charge for it. By the time he was done selling his parents to Westinghouse, he was a multimillionaire (adjusted for inflation). But after 20 of research and no progress (not greed, progress was the issue), JP Morgan and JJ Ashor stopped finding him, so he used his own money.


Lost_vob t1_j4amynw wrote

He left because he had a falling out with a manager over the matter of $50k bet. Edison wasn't actively involved in the company at this time, he was still mourning the loss of his first wife from over a year prior. Charles Bachelor, the man to brought Tesla to America in the first place, was running things.

I'm not sure what diary you were reading this from, can you point me in the direction of it?


Lost_vob t1_j4am6mw wrote

The wired article has no sources because it's total bullshit. Did you read your wiki article? From your wiki page:

>"In popular culture, Thompson and Dundy's killing of Topsy has switched attribution, with claims it was an anti-alternating current demonstration organized by Thomas A. Edison during the war of the currents. Edison was never at Luna Park and the electrocution of Topsy took place ten years after the war of currents."

Blaming Edison for Topsy's death is an insult to her memory and a slap in the face to animals across the globe facing unethical treatment at the hands of their handlers for the entertainment of humanity. THAT is the true take away here.


Lost_vob t1_j4alubn wrote

No, there is one time where Tesla wrote an editorial about how he didn't like Edison's empirical methods. That isn't an indictment of the man in any way.

There was no war of the currents. The real war was between Pulitzer and Hearst trying to make the most sensational headlines they could. The truth is scientists were debating the pros and cons of the 2 currents across the globe. It wasn't a uniquely American debate. If there was anyone you can call a rival to Edison, I'd be Westinghouse. Westinghouse was working right AC years before Tesla.


Lost_vob t1_j4albaf wrote

His autobiography came out nearly 25 years after he left Edison employ. What's more likely,: thar tesla was too stupid to know he was getting played after decades, or that he wasn't getting played?


Lost_vob t1_j49riq2 wrote

Phonograph, ore processor, power meter, tattoo gun,

Edison's own light bulb patent starts with the word "improvement." He didn't claim to invent it, but make it better. History bestowed they upon him. This is often the case with inventors. Every invention is just an improvement or modification of something else. Historians have variation of the Ship of Theseus. Where is the line between new invention and a modification of a new invention. And it gets more complicated when you add in new use for old inventions! This is called the "Heroic theory of scientific development" and it real just exists to make history books less daunting for school children. It's a gross over simplification of how innovation works.


Lost_vob t1_j49ozqq wrote

Definitely right time. It was a time when humanity broke free from a bottleneck in progress. Several breakthroughs at once branched off into a huge world of possibilities previously inaccessible. Transit, communication, electricity, all hit the world at once. It is a fascinating time. A "Dawning of a new age" kind of time.


Lost_vob t1_j49n8yv wrote

Someone once said "Edison's greatest invention was the conception of the commercial lab." That's pretty accurate, though I think Bell had one himself too.


Lost_vob t1_j49myo7 wrote

Well, it had to use AC. No one is worried about their toddlers shoving forks in battery ports, but wall sockets are a different story entirely.


Lost_vob t1_j49l3ql wrote

  1. Browning did rent room from Edison at the menlow park complex, he even did those infamous electrocutions Edison is often blamed for, but he didn't invent the chair. A dentist (whose name escapes me, southwick maybe) invented it. He even had a backstory on where he got the idea. Edison was hiring by the state of New York as a consultant to see if the chair was more humane than hanging.

  2. They listed 4 different guys as who Edison "stole" camera from. You know what they call it when you take several previous inventions and use them for newer or better tech?Inventing. Science doesn't happen in a vacuum. Everything invented is based off someone's previous work. Sometimes where historians choose to draw the line and say "this guy was the original" is arbitrary. Did apple steal the iPhone because they didn't invent the phone, PDAs, and touch screens?

  3. This is true, and it also gives credit to Edison. This is exactly what I said in 2?

  4. Back to 2 again. This is splitting hairs. He too something that played sound and added functionality for recording and playing back. That's pretty substantial. They term "record" is extremely vague and referencing a family of technology. If that term is what's being debated, then yeah, the you're not going to get an accurate answer.

  5. So... he manufactured and sold a product? How is this a mark against him? Most people didn't have electricity in the home, so he needed batteries to sell most of his products.

  6. What? Where is the argument where? It's just a summary of Edison history with x-ray.

  7. Ngl, I have never heard of this attribution. From a fast search, I don't see Edison himself taking credit for it. I see Edison finding from new uses for it and other people giving him credit.

  8. Edison even took credit for DC. The whole "Edison made DC, Tesla made AC" thing is bogus. Neither made neither people made the currents before them, and their specific Inventions I'm this category are both technological dead ends. "The war of the Currents" wasn't between Edison and Tesla or even Edison and Westinghouse. It was between Pulitzer and Hearst. The "Which current is better and safer" debate was taking place in every lab and university and work shop around the globe. But not every lab and university and work shop was in reach of the circulation wars. The "war" was a sensational story, for the tech guys it was Business as usual.


Lost_vob t1_j493fqm wrote

These people always bring up Edison failings with x-ray as if Marie Curie didn't exist. Her notebooks are still a health hazard! They're kept in lead boxes! If Edison was a failure, then so was Nobel prize winner Marie Curie.


Lost_vob t1_j49315o wrote

There is no myth, he was a gifted inventor. People are "learning" nonsence from clickbait articles and 4chan memes. Tesla himself attested to it I'm his autobiography:

>"The meeting with Edison was a memorable event in my life. I was amazed at this wonderful man who, without early advantages and scientific training, had accomplished so much."

Was he perfect?! No! When you live for 70 years and spent most of that time in influence positions in society, of course you're going to have missteps, mistakes, and even some shady dealings. But whatever else Edison was, he certianly was a brilliant tinkerer.

If you're still not convinced, let me ask you this: if he never invented his own things, where did he get the money to buy out everyone else's Inventions? He didn't come from money. He was a telegraph technician ffs.


Lost_vob t1_j4927kj wrote

Tell me which of the fake internet myths you believe about Edison so I can quickly debunk them and then we can get back to enjoying this quote on its own merit.


Lost_vob t1_j491wtc wrote

>"The meeting with Edison was a memorable event in my life. I was amazed at this wonderful man who, without early advantages and scientific training, had accomplished so much." -excerpt from "My Inventions" By Nikola Tesla

Tesla was team Edison.