LouMM t1_j64wg8t wrote

Paywalls stink...Could it be these?

* Space-based laser communications systems to enable faster, more efficient data transmission

* A spacecraft propulsion system that would use an electric field to accelerate particles

* A robotic system that can mine resources from asteroids

* A space-based telescope that can detect Earth-like planets

* A space-based platform for assembling and repairing spacecraft

* A mission to capture and return a piece of an asteroid

* An artificial intelligence system to help guide astronauts on long journeys


LouMM t1_j25an2c wrote

Nice try. I said Chinese Restaurant. I didn't bring race into it anywhere. Bottom line. It's poorly run. In fact, our waitress apologized and told me she loses a lot of tables a night due to the owner. I wasn't alone.

I am glad I won't run into you if you are that judgemental.

However, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. 🍾🥂


LouMM t1_j24qfoa wrote

Food Envy here. Where did you go? Where else do you go for shellfish and fish? Been in the area for five years, and I haven’t found the proper process or place to go to buy fresh seafood, from the boat. I buy from secondary markets around here, which are always more expensive and not as fresh.