
Louloubelle0312 t1_j0hynuh wrote

Exactly. I'm from outside of Chicago, and Steve McMichael of the Bears is huge here. The guy was an NFL player for years, including the famous Superbowl win. He now has ALS. While I feel sorry for him, why is there a GoFundMe for him? I mean, did he piss away all that he got playing? Not to mention a wresting career, and a radio show? Asking for something like that seems like the height of arrogance.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0hy4at wrote

That you said oppression "was" a bad thing tells me a lot here. We are still oppressed, and I don't see it stopping. If anything with all these asshat republicans and their religious biases, it's getting worse. You want equality of genders? Then start by treating us as people. Don't talk over us. Don't talk down to us. Don't act like we need you to protect us.

When half the population suffers from what is tantamount to an illness, then yes, they deserve a break for that. You don't get it, because it's never happened to you. If you see that as a bias, then so be it. And yes, right now, we do deserve more. Maybe it will make up for the thousands of years of men acting like women are possessions, or servants.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0hwo6b wrote

I'm actually laughing. That you think women have EVER had it better than any class of men is not just naive, it's lunacy. Not cherry picking any statistics, but apparently you are if you don't understand that men have ALWAYS had it better. And wow, that you think because men had it bad a thousand years ago, that that somehow made their lives just as bad as women's, then you need to do a little more research. Women could be beaten and or killed if their husbands wanted, with no repercussions. So, yeah, having to work in a field doing back breaking work, so much worse /s. Comparing what men had to go through to Kings and nobels is so beyond ridiculous since those were the 1% of their time.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0hvgu1 wrote

Nope. Absolutely not. You're taking a whole class of people that through no fault of their own, have to deal with this every month, FOR YEARS, and all you men act like it's nothing. Well it isn't. I guarantee if you were sick for an extended time, you'd be screaming about it. And by the way - we already earn less. It's rather like when people applauded Fred Astaire for being such an amazing dancer, and nobody paid attention to Ginger Rogers, who as she said had to do the same dance steps, in high heels, and backward, but no one thinks she should have gotten more.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0hv0fq wrote

And yet still the men here are not accepting of the fact that a whole group of people (women) should get more consideration for what they go through. They just don't get that they have always had it pretty good, and we women have to work twice as hard, then have period crap on top of it. But they get sick? You bet they're screaming that they should be given consideration.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0gt413 wrote

I wish the US would take a page out of the book of Europeans. But EVERYTHING here is about the almighty dollar. If you look at the comments, I think you could ascertain that most of these people talking about how this would hurt businesses, are Americans. These people simply don't get that if you are out, and you're treated well by your employer, you're more loyal and would absolutely make up your work if you needed to be gone. I was fortunate enough many years ago to have a (male) boss that understood this, and let me have as much (paid) sick leave as I needed. As a consequence, I didn't take advantage, and would stay late, or come in on weekends, if necessary. But that was on me, my boss never asked me to.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0gs1oq wrote

Oh, boo hoo. Life has NEVER been fair for women. Men have ALWAYS had every advantage in the world, and I assure you that if men had periods, they'd miss a week solid. Work can be made up. As someone who worked through chemotherapy, accommodations were made for me so that I could do the work that I was hired to do. And that could be done here. If you have a fever, do you go to work? Men get paid more to start with. Was that ever fair? They don't have to work as hard doing the same work as women simply to keep their jobs.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0go8oc wrote

I so read this wrong at first, and thought you were saying having a day off for your period was a day of leisure. Then I read the rest. You've got it spot on. I don't know if you have endometriosis, but a period is still pretty bad, even if you don't have it. I do, but my daughter does not, and she still has days when she has her period where all this is going on. God, men just don't get it. They also don't get they've already got all the privileges. How in god's name do they think they deserve more, when they have nothing wrong!


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0gmty0 wrote

Well, first, it wouldn't be close to 12 days a month. I had endometriosis, and I would say that the first 2 days of my period were excruciating. If I was lucky, it happened on a weekend, so I could spend two full days, curled on the couch with a heating pad. But thanks for the empathy. I mean, businesses have to make money right? People are irrelevant.


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0gmafg wrote

So, what? Women shouldn't have jobs? We have and DO work through incredible pain, fevers, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating, just to name SOME of what happens. But we have to work through it, because of people with your attitude. Tell me, if a man had a condition that made him ill at least once a month, do you think they'd even come in? Or would you not hire them as well?


Louloubelle0312 t1_j0glmoo wrote

You should watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AsD8IXN0BkM

It's male broadcasters that have had a "period simulator" attached to them, and they go through the process of the increasing pain. They had a woman from a company called "Somedays" that is natural period pain relief company. She discusses the fact that, periods should not cause pain. It was interesting.