Love4KittyButtholes t1_j9la6gr wrote
Reply to comment by ThrowMeAway_97 in TIFU By Saying Something I Should've Just Kept To Myself. by ThrowMeAway_97
The point of empathy is to _reduce suffering_. That's the point. The point is to be good. If you don't find a point in feeling like shit for doing shitty things, what is the point? Just hedonistically grinding your way through life fucking people over for whatever carnal or base pleasures causes you to just "ride things out" until someone catches up to you? And if the karma doesn't catchup?
When you do something unethical and no one is watching, there IS someone watching, and it's not god or some higher power, it's YOU. When you do fucked up things, you change who you are as a person. You allow yourself to marinate in the harm of others as an acceptable trade off for whatever incidental rewards you receive for the time being. You end up a different person. My argument is that you harm yourself when you harm others, you just don't totally feel it at the moment.
I'm not going to tell you that karma will catch up to you, because I've lived long enough to know that terrible things don't always happen to terrible peop.e. Some terrible people live long and get away with everything. But I can tell you, for the most part, I have not met many terrible people who were happy being terrible people. They're always acting in a way that seems insecure, attention-seeking, paranoid, or base. It's no way to live, man. You sound young, so none of this has made its mark. But someday it will.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j9dvav6 wrote
Reply to comment by ThrowMeAway_97 in TIFU By Saying Something I Should've Just Kept To Myself. by ThrowMeAway_97
And surprisingly, despite my gripes with sexism on Reddit, almost every single person here has pointed out that you're an asshole. It doesn't even sound like you feel bad about it. It's just a very sociopathic take and I don't see this often. Even if someone passionately defended how they weren't an asshole would betray some effort to remain in the clear. But you. You just don't care.
It's astounding. I wish I believed in karma.
You're not the worst person in the world, and you might even be decent to other people. But the thing that horrified me is the senseless blase attitude of it all.
There is something clearly very wrong with you. I hope these women figure it out.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j98vo1m wrote
Reply to comment by ThrowMeAway_97 in TIFU By Saying Something I Should've Just Kept To Myself. by ThrowMeAway_97
You don't see women as people. You're trying to mentally gymnastic your way around whether you are less of a piece of shit with G2 but the fact is you are terrible to both of them. If you were someone's B2 or B1 I have a feeling you'd feel differently. I'm not sure why you thought people in this thread would give you helpful advice to "fix" any of your terrible relationships.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j96ojeh wrote
Because copying what Elon Musk does with embattled Twitter is going to work so well for Facebook.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j94h4nn wrote
Reply to Shia LaBeouf plagiarizes Daniel Clowes comic for his film, responds with plagiarized apology by Scared_Ad_4273
Probably repost bot.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j8ubuvj wrote
Reply to comment by Koffeekage in A ballet director didn't like this critic's review. So he attacked her with dog feces by CletusCanuck
Ah. So your issue isn't with critics. Got it.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j8q3kka wrote
Reply to comment by Koffeekage in A ballet director didn't like this critic's review. So he attacked her with dog feces by CletusCanuck
So. A man assaults a woman with dog shit, and you are sympathetic because you hate critics? Even in the Birdman clip there's nothing in her review about technique or intention. Did you read the reviews here? They aren't that bad.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j7ygw9r wrote
Yall didn't read the article and it shows. Aramark did this three separate times in the past ten years. NYU ended their contract with them over it. Someone in charge of the menus is racist as fuck and thinks this is hilarious and has managed to keep doing it without consequence. This is not about whether you think fried chicken and watermelon is delicious. It's about context. In the context of Black history month, invoking foods that were historically meant to stereotype and mock ADOS is abhorrent. This wasn't an innocent mistake.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j7dn214 wrote
Reply to comment by Sweeeet_Chin_Music in 50% Of Gen Z Cite This Health Improvement As A Top New Year’s Resolution For 2023 by ismaelsow
Do your kids visit
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j7a4zth wrote
Reply to comment by kckaaos in TIL that Taylor Lautner's wife is also named Taylor Lautner by a_hall
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j5v8cal wrote
Reply to I put my cat into paintings for fun. I call this one The Mona Lisa with Gravy by bunnykitten94
I love food names for cats, but I think Gravy has got to be my favorite next to Sushi and Noodle.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j5km0zb wrote
Reply to comment by Nazamroth in TIL the first known résumé was written by Leonardo da Vinci, when applying to be a military engineer for the Duke of Milan. It's mainly just a list of his designs for siege weapons (including trebuchets). He briefly mentions his art: "In painting, I can do everything possible." He got the job. by Pfeffer_Prinz
I did hiring for most of my management career. I never asked these bullshit corporate drone questions. Mine were like "here is a difficult client situation, how would you handle that?" I just want to go home and play video games after work, want to make sure people can withstand the BS I have to put up with in an interview and somewhat have the aptitude to not absolutely hate the work. That's it.
When companies ask that question it's a red flag for me. It means their corporate compensation model is railing the "money isn't how you keep employees" Kool aide and that kind of shareholder capitalism will never get my talent.
Vote with your labor. Don't work for assholes.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j3hmibp wrote
Reply to Jelly Belly Sparkling water by ag408
"naturally flavored... With other natural flavors" Suuuure
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j2nh2ik wrote
Reply to Anticipating and defusing the role of conspiracy beliefs in shaping opposition to wind farms by Creative_soja
Is it just me or could the Y axis be labeled better. Only one of the variables is described (female VS male) but the others are unclear. Low or high age? More or less educated? Why not add a word?
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j2fg1qm wrote
Reply to comment by mrfuzzyshorts in Went to Machu Picchu, absolutely magical by wasabinski
Save yourself. All the guys who posts pics with a fish and a tiger and Machu picchu are in this thread and they are MAD.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j25c3q5 wrote
Reply to comment by SilverStag88 in Went to Machu Picchu, absolutely magical by wasabinski
Everyone has a photo of them in machu picchu, petting a drugged up tiger, and holding a fish. "I like to travel." They're tropes.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j24lvln wrote
Reply to comment by JadedFennel999 in Study of 578 mental health apps indicates current app marketplaces primarily offer basic features such as psychoeducation, goal tracking, and mindfulness but fewer innovative features such as specialized therapies. Privacy challenges remain common as well. by lolfuys
We don't have good access to mental health services where I am because we don't have universal Healthcare. I'd argue an app is better than nothing.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j24ky80 wrote
Reply to Went to Machu Picchu, absolutely magical by wasabinski
Don't put pics of yourself in Machu picchu on your dating profile
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j226413 wrote
Reply to comment by JadedFennel999 in Study of 578 mental health apps indicates current app marketplaces primarily offer basic features such as psychoeducation, goal tracking, and mindfulness but fewer innovative features such as specialized therapies. Privacy challenges remain common as well. by lolfuys
Well, what if there are some bits of therapy that could be replicated and served from an app? For example, I'm on a forum for sleep therapies and one of them is light therapy. I don't know the capabilities of a smartphone in terms of light emission but imagine if that was possible. Simple things like positive affirmations can be easily repeated on an app.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_j1zu0gl wrote
Reply to comment by tastyyellowbananas in A re-usable crisp box and diet coke cup in a French McDonalds by blackjack_beans
It's chaos I tell you.
Love4KittyButtholes t1_jdr7b3p wrote
Reply to comment by Totally-NotAMurderer in TIFU by telling a girl my size by Totally-NotAMurderer
No no this is a unit conversion issue lol