
LowDiscipline323 t1_j1tu55u wrote

Reply to comment by dreadpirateryan13 in BJS trophy shop. by [deleted]

3 other people is a ton of glowing comments? Sure. Considering the other employee was from years ago management has changed since then. Obviously they are nice to customers, that's how you run a business. I've actually worked for them recently and seen all those things I've mentioned in the period I was there, not all of it was things that happened to me. The poster is welcome to take a job there if they want, that's up to them. Just figured I'd warn them of what's been going on recently.


LowDiscipline323 t1_j1t5mk8 wrote

Horrible place to work unless you like toxic management. They have a high turnover rate for employees as no one likes being treated like crap. The owner and his management don't care about new employees, they have their little inner circle that can get away with anything and everything. They like to gossip about new employees and tell other employees about your pay rate and if you ask for a raise you best believe everyone is going to know you did, plus they'll tell you it's coming soon every single time no matter how long you ask. If they plan on firing you then your not going to know and you're even going train "someone that is here to help take the load off of you". My advice, don't even bother with them.