
Lsclancy9 t1_jcbcjh1 wrote

In the early 80's it was as close to perfect as a city could get but now it is a communist wasteland.It is very sad really. I dont know where you are from but the cost of living there is through the roof. We used to like to visit but wont even do that any longer. We went up to pickup a new car in Bellingham and we were going to spend a few days and go out to the islands and visit the city..but after one day we packed it in and left. I know I am being negative but it is such a shame to see that beautiful place absolutly ruined along with Portland. Oh, and Lord forbid you get attacked or robbed the police presence is gone, they cant help you. Im sorry Im not trying to be a bummer but I know what it used to be...I am glad you enjoyed your vacation though.....


Lsclancy9 t1_jcb605t wrote

First of all I lived there three months before the sun came out so I could see the mountain..LOL second while you were enjoying downtown Seattle..Did you notice what a shithole it has turned into? Or did you just pretend everybody was camping...OMG


Lsclancy9 t1_jc329a2 wrote

Im sure in that communist state you can probably have him shot! No, wait cant have guns there...Maybe you can hang him. Seriously who was there first? he is entitled to do whatever he want on his property if it is zoned for it. I've never really understood why someone wants to live on larger lots then complains because the neighbors have livestock... Now, dont go all WOKE on me this is just my opinion as you are entitled to yours.