
Lucky_Dragonfruit881 t1_j3tlxhy wrote

I read the abstract. It also says

>In this study, we first construct an easily amendable, bioinspired electromagnetic motor which produces FV curves that mimic the Hill model of muscle with a high degree of accuracy.

It sounds like they built something, but motors are admittedly outside my area and I can't be bothered to log in for the full article.

Anyway, my point is that if you read the PIs publication list, there's a lot connected to control systems, so it seems premature to say "lol MDs discover the trapezoid rule," is more likely than "student journalist fails to write in-depth review of highly technical work. "

Edit: even if they're just demonstrating the relative optimality of the Hill curves, that's still publication worthy


Lucky_Dragonfruit881 t1_j3tfcmi wrote

Out of curiosity, are you reading the headline, the news article written by an undergraduate Spanish major, the abstract of the paper, or the paper itself?

'Cause I'm looking at the guy's CV and it looks like he definitely knows his way around control systems