
LuneBlu t1_jad2adf wrote

In no way this can backfire... Can it? From this, to toying with the idea of reflecting sunlight to lower climate warming, we are playing with ideas with potentially serious implications and limited understanding.


LuneBlu t1_j9yjfxa wrote

So you're advocating killing artists' revenue and sending them to work at Macdonalds, in fact giving a death blow to actual human culture.

Major corporations don't give power away for the sake of it. Especially after investing millions/billions developing the technology and applications of it. That's naive.

But it's true, this is most likely bringing an apocalyse of sorts.


LuneBlu t1_iuhgof4 wrote

Everyone wants more money. That's the true reason. Not inflation, or games getting more expensive to make. The lion's share of the profits goes to shareholders and upper management, not the people who made the game. For the most part, they and CEOs just receive substantially more. According to reports, it doesn't trickle down significantly.

The other side of the coin is generally people's expectations rise with how much it costs them. So more games flop commercially.