
LynnDexter t1_j67virg wrote

“I-I tried…”

The woman falls to her knees as she began to spiral.

“…I told them that Mitchell was fucking weird but nobody would listen!! How did he ever explain away his weird disappearances?! How was he able to always stay under the radar yet be one of the popular kids in school!?”

As she laid her hands flat against the earths surface, her fingers began to dig into the dirt beneath as her gaze hardened on the surface before her.

“Nobody ever listened when I pointed out the missing students dropping out of school like flies!! Never did they bat an eye when Mitchell just had to leave in the middle of class!? Why?!? Why did nobody care?! How did he even wrap the teachers around his finger!?”

Balling her right hand into a fist she grasped at the few grains of dirt that clung to her skin, her entire hand began to shake from the frustration. Unable to comprehend where she went wrong, she continued to ramble on to any gods that cared to listen.

“Mitchell is the reason those cheerleaders disappeared. The reason the football team had to disband along with the soccer & baseball teams shortly after…”

A raindrop struck her forehead, quick to drip down her nose & past her lips. At this sudden impact the girl looked up as she release her fist and the dirt within. Not a moment later more raindrops began to fall on her face and she continued.

“He stood by in that fancy tux of his as he comforted their parents!! The monster would pat their back as their world fell apart. Their wailing didn’t seem to even phase him as he seemed to ‘hold it together’ at their funerals!!?”

Rain began to pour down on the girl as she did everything she could to hold back her own feelings of grief.

“How could he- why did he- they didn’t deserve this!!? GOD DAMNIT WHY DIDN’T THEY LISTEN?!”

As she was moments away from crying out- the snap of a twig not so far away silenced the wooded area around her. It was as if the rain was stilled to allow the twig break to echo through the trees right into her ear.

“W-What was that?”

Careful not to disturb the soundless environment, she whispered out her response, adrenaline pumping through her once more. Quickly glancing all around, her eyes zeroed in on the source of the sound. Only a silhouette of a man visible. She stumbled from her knees but in the process fell on her back, begrudgingly digging her heels into the dirt.

“I-It’s you…”

Pushing herself away from where she sat, everything within her was yelling that she ran as far as she possibly could. If there was a God, she was praying that he would give her the strength to run once more.

“N-n-no! Do-Don’t come any closer!!”

In an attempt to startle the man she defiantly yelped out her response, her voice wavering in the fear that coursed through her bones.

“…fuck you.”

Whispering this she propped herself against a nearby tree and began to stand up once more. Her body wasn’t prepared for the marathon that was awaiting her.

“This- this is your fault! All your fault. All your fault.” The whispers were heard throughout the greenery around them.


The woods around them loomed in silence once more as those words echoed across the tree line, anything living ran at the sound. As the rain flooded once more, all that was heard were the muddied slaps of footsteps. Then followed another pair quickly after the first.

(Edit: this is my first comment in this subreddit so any and all advice is greatly appreciated! Also had a few typos, but that’s nothing new haha)