
MEaster t1_jarrb8q wrote

For those wondering how this is solved, a simplified explanation is that when the processor leaves its reset state, it starts executing from a fixed address in memory, which is connected to a permanent storage instead of RAM, and which holds a small program that then loads more complex software off a disc.


MEaster t1_iy7wkub wrote

Well, to be fair to Canadians, one of the goals the USA had going into the war was to take Canadian territory. I'd say stopping an attacker from taking your shit counts as a victory.


MEaster t1_is9k4zr wrote

> These assumptions of our visual system can lead to fantastic illusions where constancy fails. Classic examples are when you see a sweater in a store under one illumination and then go outside and it's a completely different color. This is in fact the explanation for the dress illusion from a few years back -- depending on your assumption of the color of the light in the store (yellowish or whitish) the dress appears either blue and black or white and gold.

A while back I applied colour correction to that dress image. The centre image is the original, with the left and right sides being colour-corrected. The circles indicate where on the image I told Lightroom to consider neutral grey. If I recall correctly, the left side was the first point I selected, but the right hand side I had to hunt around a bit as Lightroom kept trying to go more like the left side rather than the white/gold look.