MNJon t1_iy4ii6f wrote

Get cash as payment, not a check or even a cashiers check.

Anyone that asks you to ship your car is a scammer.

Go with anyone that wants a roadtest.

Go with the buyer to the license bureau to make sure the title is transferred.


MNJon t1_iuinlk7 wrote

If you've only had your phone number for 3 years, it is entirely possible that someone else had an account at your drugstore chain using that phone number previously, or that someone goofed and entered an incorrect number, or that someone used a random phone number.

In any event, just don't save a payment method on the account and you will be fine. And you are racking up those extra points! Perhaps by 2025 you will have accumulated enough points to get a free candy bar!


MNJon t1_iuii69e wrote

Inquiries, new accounts, and average account age are all taken into consideration by credit score algorithms, so I'd probably guess that you'll see a 20-point or so drop in your credit score if you open 3 new credit card accounts. If you are looking at making a major purchase in the near future, this could affect the interest rate that you are offered.