
Machiavelli1480 t1_jdekkek wrote

Well in the context of our conversation, i feel like we both made it obvious that expecting ss to cover the majority of living expenses for 15-20 years was a rather absurd. I'm sure there are people that think that, but they will be in for a rude awakening if that doesn't change. Compound that with inflation, it can make a poorly planned retirement miserable.


Machiavelli1480 t1_jdef35x wrote

If you are from my generation, i hope you have the foresight to realize that by the time you retire, social security wont be what it is for todays retiree's. I'm american, and expecting nothing from social security, invest accordingly. If something is insolvent, its insolvent, rioting wont make more money appear. France wont be able to exploit africa forever, even though im sure they will try.