
Maddest_Hatta t1_jdi9oie wrote

I never said that I supported nazis. Clearly you didn't get what I was saying. It is also clear to me that you are not aware of the ethnic cleansings that "Papa Fucking Joe Stalin" did. In fact, you have absolutely no clue how the regime was operating its states back then. There was absolutely no freedom in any sense of the word. You want to go on vacation in another country on the other side of the iron curtain? Nope. You want to leave the country? Nope. You'll be shot as soon as you try to cross the border and escape. Election day comes. Guess how many options you have to vote. That's right! Only one - the communist party. And even though you have only one option and the vote doesn't matter, it's mandatory for you to go and "vote". A western tourist became your friend and gave you a walkman as a gift? Militia is confiscating it and you're brought in for questioning. How come you have something that is not sold in your country? You shouldn't have that. You shouldn't be listening to western music. This means you're planning to escape. Your whole family is now put on a watchlist. You have a relative who managed to escape to a western country? You're blacklisted. You can't study what you want. You can't have certain jobs. Best you can work as a low level factory worker. And that's if you're lucky and if the relative who escaped is not that close to you. Otherwise you go to a labour camp so you can learn to love the regime and die in the process. You invested your life savings and everything you had to build a factory or a small production facility? You get a call that you need to be interviewed by the police and when you go there you disappear. Factory/business becomes "state owned", your family is blacklisted and their house and everything inside is taken away.

Don't tell me how much "good" that regime brought. My family lived through it. The communist parties in each country in Eastern Europe were just as bad as the nazis. Stalin was sending ethnicities he deemed "unworthy" to remote labour camps and worked them to death. He was just as mad as Adolph. And I won't even start with his "wonderful" troops in the Red Army and how they acted. Same animals as the nazis.


Maddest_Hatta t1_jdgvzdt wrote

Would it be OK if I start waving the National Socialist Party flag if I say "yeah but now nazis have learned from past mistakes and won't kill people from other races"? There is 0 reasons for French people nowadays to wave the USSR flag. If they have ideas how to use communism in a better way, they should come up with a different flag.

I'm very happy for you Americans that you've learned from your mistakes in history.. but the USSR never did. For the countries in Eastern Europe it was 40 years of oppression. Four decades of hunger, labour camps, ethnic cleansings and brainwashing. So forgive me if the sight of that flag makes my blood boil just as much as when I see a nazi flag.


Maddest_Hatta t1_jdeyms5 wrote

The flag that the dude is waving has nothing to do with the 2 months of "communism" that France had. If it was a plain red flag, you could've had some argument there. But waving a symbol of an oppressive regime that has taken the lives of millions is not something anybody should support, don't you agree? There's a reason why the USSR fell apart. It was a red apple with a rotten core.