
Maddilyn571 t1_itadcmi wrote

She should be. And if thats how you're going to react when she says something you don't like (or triggers you), then maybe you shouldn't be in a relationship until you get your anger in check. You just traumatized her even more. You are responsible for your actions and response to your emotions.

You are both so young and what you're doing is manipulative and disgusting. She has a right to leave if it comes to that and if you really loved her you would accept that without threatening her or yourself. You need to apologize and give her space. You sound very codependent on her and I would highly reccoment therapy.

Edit for OPs update: YOU need to leave for HER safety. Ofc she isn't going to break up with you, you guys are codependent AND you just physically injured her to make her promise never to break up w you-why tf would she leave after that? If you really care about not hurting her, you will step out of the relationship until you get your shit together. This is YOUR responsibility, not hers. By trying to make her break up with you (after assaulting her), you're putting the responsibility on her.