
MagPieMadEye t1_iy999k1 wrote

It's a hassle to find a new job, create a new commute or move you and whatever family you have and lose friends, I think employers prefer to risk you being afraid of these challenges to not pay more, and would rather risk the chance of getting a guy who performs really well cause he's new but doesn't know what he's worth so takes a garbage deal.

It's the same in IT, one of the first things my husband's coworker told him was to stay a year and than jump, do that for a few years than settle, the pay is so much better by doing this. I personally think it's not too bad an idea either cause it proves to yourself you don't need to be afraid of losing your job so you don't get taken advantage of, you learn different qualities of work and know when you've found a good fit rather than being told it is.