
Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz535sm wrote

I was just adding that I don’t have money for Christmas gifts and how I was devastedd. There aren’t any resources I’ve found so far to help with gas, laundry mat, toiletries, soap, cleaning supplies ,etc Just was saying I’m devastated that I can’t get them gifts, and I haven’t found resource to help immediately so far for the other stuff. That’s all, but forget it


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz4p510 wrote

Thanks I’ll apply. I did use this one year it was awesome; sadly a lot of the stuff since I didn’t get to pick it out, was random stuff and my kids could only use like one of the toys and I ends up donating the rest. I am really grateful for it, but it shcks it’s random toys your kids may not like you know? I just feel like a failure parent right now.


Majestic_Corner_1131 t1_iz4o6td wrote

Just applied for cash benefits again but they need to me to apply for unemployment first which I didn’t when I lost my job becaus I thought I would hav started my new one by the time they processed it but my kids new daycare won’t thecfor two more weeks so now I can’t even getChristmas gifts, on top of that I had two separate car emergencies in the same month, first one costs a tow truck plus over 1k, second one costs a tow truck plus a new tire. I’ve had to borrow money from people. I am just devasted ajd trying to hold it together for my children who don’t deserve this.


Majestic_Corner_1131 OP t1_itc4772 wrote

They already started denying what they did, but, they did threaten me if I pulled my kids out, then they would be put on private pay and my daycare voucher wouldn’t wor, which is a lie, I talked to the daycare voucher ppl who were blown away by the email I read them, which is just proof at lest they were threatening me lies. I filed a complaint with EEC I didn’t know that EEOC was a thing but I will look into it. It just feels bad, thank you, I’m just feeling like A failure I quit but I felt it was either stand up for myself and quit, or comply and be bullied/threatened lies to keep me in place for them… I barely got paid above minimum wage and I couldn’t pay my bills with this full time job I was eligible for food stamps with. So I’m starting to think maybe it was a good thi g and there is something bettter for me, it just feels bad.