
Majestic_Preparation t1_jabep13 wrote

Gamers are easy to manipulate with trailers and spam hype videos on YouTube into preordering.

Smart people always wait few weeks and don’t play games at launch. If you aren’t watching YouTube gaming videos like it’s your religion you don’t have problem with waiting and buying games patched cheaper when biggest issues are resolved.


Majestic_Preparation t1_ja9eye0 wrote

School get stable job with holiday leave, insurance, sick pay and pension. Play games as you normally would retire at 65 and you can still play games from morning to days end until you hit the bucket. Games aren’t going anywhere.


Majestic_Preparation t1_j6j32wl wrote

Reply to comment by swingingboyboy in Buy PS5 or XBOX by swingingboyboy

You aren't required to own specific model or have specific feature in your TV. Newer online multiplayer games may take advantage of 120hz refresh rate in supported TVs. They will feel little smoother to controller but unless you are thinking about buying new TV for $1000+ this isn't something you should worry about.

Use what you have it's fine 99% of games will aim to play at 60fps anyway so standard 60hz refresh rate is perfectly fine. Console will adjust to resolution if your TV as well.

Just focus on console and getting games cheaper if you are trying to cut cost.


Majestic_Preparation t1_j6ier95 wrote

Had few consoles in last 15 years. Suggest you PS5 and buy games on discs if look around online or local retailers you may find better deals. You can buy games cheaper used of eBay if money is the issue.

Use PS5 on your TV.


Majestic_Preparation t1_j6ca4d8 wrote

Likely waiting to be fed. They can be assholes. At least the one we have in UK. Old office place we had few of them and badgers.

Cleaning staff fed them almost daily and they multiplied fast to larger number. They were coming out at certain time expecting to be fed. When cleaning staff was replaced nobody fed them. Foxes started to bite car tyres and fight between each other. RSPCA animal care was called soon later they were gone probably relocated.