
MajorKoopa t1_is1c415 wrote

What was your experience working in an Apple Store?

From what I understand from day one, even as a part time employee, apple gives you full benefits. Paid sick, paid covid, paid bereavement, paid civic duty, and paid vacation time. Health benefits including dental and vision. Matching retirement and stock benefits. Stock grants. Paid mental health assistance, educational assistance, and family planning assistance. Public transit and bike subsidies. Partner discounts. Discounts on cellular service. And likely more I’m not aware of.

All that for standing around an Apple Store.

Quitting doesn’t leave an opening for someone to take a “shit” job, it creates an opportunity for someone that isn’t a selfish, lazy, and self righteous bitch to create some stability and do something with their time.


MajorKoopa t1_is15qws wrote

Yes. Thank you for the check in. My concern is the list of stuff they don’t want to do is what you go to an Apple Store for.

It’s like they all want to go to the beach but are organizing around the amount of sand they don’t want to deal with.

It doesn’t make sense and makes them sound like they just don’t want to work and want to be sponsored by apple.

Why not just exercise your right to get another job if you don’t want to do the things your job needs you to do.