
Maleficent_Cloud5943 t1_j1jb7xl wrote

You’re speaking as though you already know what the outcome is going to look like. You might as well pull out some tarot cards and a crystal ball while you’re at it. All we have are shifting, estimated probabilities that vary wildly from person to person, whether they’re experts of completely ignorant of the topic. If you believe that all the variables going into those probabilities are static, and therefore there can only be one possible outcome, do you really think that corresponds with what we already know about how things work?

Black-and-white thinking is considered a cognitive distortion for a reason. It's rampant even in so-called “intellectuals,” because it makes reality more palatable. But almost everything about reality resides in a gray area--especially enormous concepts like the singularity. All the variables are in flux, and our decisions and actions *now* will have an impact on the outcome. Sure, we all know that positive actions can sometimes result in negative outcomes, and vice-versa, but there is a much greater tendency for positive actions to result in positive outcomes. The more people who are trying to create a positive outcome to the singularity, the greater our chances are at realizing that outcome; whereas, if everyone just throws their hands up in the air and declare that we’re all doomed, then we’re tipping the probabilities in that direction. I choose the former. We should all be fighting tooth and nail to create a positive outcome.


Maleficent_Cloud5943 t1_j1ey2m0 wrote

You either misunderstood or misinterpreted this post. I've been perpetually excited about it for half my life. But when people start steamrolling an entire subreddit with misinformation, disinformation, or outright ignorance, the conversation ends up devolving into a dumpster fire rather than something that helps people understand the implications of the most critical milestone humanity has ever faced.


Maleficent_Cloud5943 t1_j1eerhx wrote

As others have mentioned, I appreciate your goals and sentiments, but a moratorium isn't in the cards at this point. And that’s not to say it's impossible, but the people holding the cards at this point would take longer to reach some kind of feasible agreement than it will most likely take to reach the singularity. The best thing that each and every person who cares can do at this point is GET INVOLVED. And by that, I mean in any way possible, with as many other people as possible. Educate others--anyone and everyone who is willing to listen. Continue to educate yourself: for instance, if you don't know Python, learn it. Start working with as many pieces of the puzzle as you can and become a stakeholder to whatever extent you can.


Maleficent_Cloud5943 t1_j1dqfgh wrote

Well, that tells me they just *think* they're the biggest galaxy brains and try to present themselves as such. I've seen plenty of posts that use the most convoluted wording and obscure references, yet amount to absolutely nothing in the end. It's much easier to *sound* smart than it is to say something that actually carries value and will be digested by the minds of its readers.